
Tropismo converts unwanted Eucalyptus plantations into first-rate, ethical and traceable lumber. We resolve the global problem of urban tree disposal and Eucalyptus forest fires, while restoring endangered biodiversity: • Tragic losses & GHG emissions from Eucalyptus fires. • Rainforest logging for lumber, often used in one-time construction applications. • Unemployment in Quito, from lack of industry. • Landfill disposal or costly chipping of urban trees instead of lumber processing. Our cutting-edge machinery and curing methods produce affordable framing wood and lumber sales fund employment for habitat restoration, as well as 10% annual return to investors. We have a successful entrepreneur committed to invest $50k for our launch, and have already spent thirty months and invested in equipment for an estimated $50,000 of sweat equity to complete our Research and Development phase. Now, we seek exposure through the IMPAQTO urban challenge to raise $100k more during 2019.
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Construcción Sustentable
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Such a great project to empower communities not only in environmental issues but also with their economies and rights!
hace 5 años
Tropismo: expone una propuesta integral, denotando mucha experiencia y altisimo nivel técnico; abarcar la gestión integral del árbol como pocas veces se hace: desde el desarrollo de nuevos bosques nativos hasta el aprovechamiento innovador de la madera, añadiendo el componente de nuevas fuentes de trabajo. Realmente es un proyecto pionero que ya se muestra como un referente I+D+I.
hace 5 años
Una gran iniciativa!!
hace 5 años

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Reto de Emprendimiento Urbano 2018

¡Transforma los problemas de Quito en soluciones!

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