
Banánicos: Banano, orgánicos y derivados. This entrepreneurship comes from the idea of giving an added value to the organic bananas that are exported. More over, as the idea came together, we visualized it as a project to preserve a culinary tradition that has been crafting for many years. From organic bananas to a delicious banana jam. This sweetness tradition is also a part of a sustainable action to provide women from a specific vulnerable area the chance to get access to economic incomes. The entrepreneurship is vital to prevail the tradition and to maintain its crafted elaboration from a special recipe that has been used from years. We do not use plastic containers and as part of our actions towards the environment. We use banana fibers that are made from recycled harvest steams. These ones are used as part of our final product presentation. We don't want to sell just a delicious jam but an experience, a history behind every product. We are Banánicos, and we are orgánicos!
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hace 5 años

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