No es cosa de tu cabeza (It is not just in your head)

'It's not just in your head', is a series of 8 podcasts on the hidden aspects of gender violence in the mental health of women and girls in Brazil. We foresee Because Youth Matter opportunity can support us to: produce and publish this season along with educational promotional materials on social media as comics; recognize research and researchers from the global south in terms of gender and science; allow representation of Brazilian women and girls in their plurality, about the mental health symptoms they face due to gender violence. Build podcasts that, in addition to scientific research evidence, are based on educational narrative structures, relating to SDG 4, 5 and 16, as we educate through information, strengthening gender equality. We intend to start a dialogue on how science can address mental health problems that are a consequence of gender violence and raise awareness in society about the importance of making visible and eradicating gender violence, sharing real stories.
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