
Floop empowers every student to learn with better feedback loop. As educators, when it comes to that big stack of papers on the desks, educators have two options: grade for correctness and return papers in two days, or leave high-quality feedback and return papers in two weeks. We know the desire to make feedback personal for students and the desire to make it fast really conflict with each other. We want to eliminate the time-quality trade-off for feedback. With Floop, students can capture their physical work through the app on their smartphones. Through the web portal, educators can view and leave personalized and locality specific quality feedback on submitted assignments, with the help of a comprehensive comment bank system. The dialogue feature between educators and students allows communication opportunity, to clarify misconceptions and provide next step guidance for students. Furthermore, analytics in Floop can help educators reshape the lesson plan for next class.
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MECATE 2017 "Envisioning the future of Education"

MECATE aims to identify public entrepreneurship projects around the world that are transforming the way that learning occurs.

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